Advanced Google Search from a different location

Search smarter with customized filters across multiple countries and languages

With "Solutions Torch Search From," you can simulate performing a Google search from a different location or device, or conduct a search with custom search settings. It's useful for searching Google as if you were in another location, and it's also beneficial for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) testing.

This tool is helpful for people who want to change their search settings for certain queries, as well as for advertisers and businesses interested in their website's ranking on Google. It allows them to quickly check their search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine optimization (SEO) results. For more details about search results and ad rankings, check out "How Google Search Works." Keep in mind, this tool is not regularly updated, and the accuracy of results may vary.

Multiple Languages

Search in over 40 languages, with full support for native languages, enabling a more personalized and accurate search experience across diverse regions and linguistic preferences.


Get search results tailored to the country and city you select, providing more relevant and local information to suit your specific location and needs.

Custom Filters

Use advanced filtering options to refine your search, allowing you to narrow down results and find exactly what you're looking for based on specific criteria, such as location or content type.